What others have to say about Casie’s editing techniques:

“Whether you’re an aspiring author or already published, every writer can benefit from working with an editor. A professional set of eyes may even be imperative. The key is to find one who is smart and savvy enough to help you up your game yet approachable and inspiring at the same time. Casie Bazay is all of those things, and more. Her clear input on my middle grade manuscript helped me focus on areas that needed work. She offered comments in a positive/proactive way which motivated me to strengthen my entire story. I highly recommend her services.”

~Melanie Sue Bowles, ​Author of The Horses of Proud Spirit, Hoof Prints: More Stories from Proud Spirit, and The Dogs of Proud Spirit, and Liberty Biscuit

“Casie Bazay is a phenomenal editor. When she gives advice, or answers questions, it’s like sitting down with a school teacher. She has all the answers! She’s meticulous, yet delivers edits with kindness. I would recommend her as an editor to both professional or novice writers. She’ll make you look like you did your homework and came to class prepared.”

​~Michelle Guerrero, Freelance Writer, Editorial Assistant​, and Children’s Book Author


“I can’t recommend Casie enough for her editing services! I always struggle with my queries and the opening pages. Casie’s critiques not only pointed out what was working but what wasn’t. With her guidance, I started getting more requests from agents. I can highly recommend it.”

~Vanessa Ebony, School Librarian


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Casie, for all your diligent work on my behalf. My novel is so much better because of your efforts and great attention to detail. I had no idea on just how many grammar, punctuation, and point-of-view issues I had until you went through my story and provided all the feedback and comments. I am now a better, not bitter, writer because I’ve made it through all your proposed changes and recommendations. Thank you for your great work and I’ll be in touch again with my next novel.”

~Glen Adams, Author of Predemption


Editing Packages and Pricing:

Single Pass

Includes line edits, in-document comments, and feedback

Multi Pass

Includes line edits, in-document comments, and feedback on up to three drafts of your query letter (original + two revised versions)

First Chapter Critique

Critique of your first chapter (up to 12 double-spaced pages) with in-document comments and detailed feedback

Query Package Critique

Critique of Query, Synopsis, and First 3 Chapters (up to 36 double spaced, 12 point font pages) with in-document comments and detailed feedback.


Full Novel Critique

$0.008 per word
Critique of full novel with in-document comments. You will receive an edit letter which details your story’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as revision suggestions.

Manuscript Proofreading

$0.013 per word
  • Checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
  • Looking for basic inconsistencies (e.g. two different spellings of a character name)
  • Editing confusing or difficult sentence structures
  • Pointing out repetitive words or phrases


Proofreading does NOT include:
  • Fixing formatting errors (font, spacing, headers, line indents, etc.)
  • Editing stiff or repetitive dialogue
  • Fixing or commenting on large picture issues such as plot holes
  • Giving suggestions on plot, character development, etc.
  • Fact checking



Need someone to ensure that your horse-related scenes are accurate? (Trust me, this can be a problem!) I’d be happy to use my equine experience to help. This consultation will focus solely on horse-related content.

Horse-Specific Consultation:

A 45-minute phone or Zoom consultation to discuss the accuracy of horse scenes in your book. Includes one follow up e-mail with any further questions that you may still have.

Why Hire Me?

I’m a former middle school English teacher who has graded hundreds of essays and grammar assignments. I’m a traditionally published author, and I’m also a freelance writer specializing in equine content with over 12 years of experience.

Note: For novel critiques, I will accept most genres of fiction, but my specialties are young adult, middle grade, and women’s fiction. Hard-core science fiction and high fantasy are not my areas of expertise, so I would advise finding an editor who is more experienced with those genres. For proofreading, I am fine with any genre or age category.


**Manuscripts must be properly formatted, and all documents should be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman or equivalent font. Edits will be made through track changes.**


*Payment is due in advance.

Payment options:

  • Paypal (added fee to cover PayPal charges)
  • Venmo
  • Personal Check

Need something not listed above or have questions?  Contact Me