Yeah, I know. Weird title. You’re probably wondering why anyone would need a horse editor?
What I mean is if you’re a writer who isn’t overly versed in the wonderful world of equines, but want to include them in your book in some fashion, just know there will be hundreds of horsey know-it-alls who will probably scoff at your totally inaccurate horse-related scenes.
Okay, so maybe that’s a little harsh. But it’s true. I’ve put down many a book for this very reason. It’s not that I don’t want to read about little Amy trotting Sundance over the barrels at her Hunter Jumper show, it’s that I literally can’t. My brain just can’t function after trying to envision such a thing. (and if you don’t know what’s wrong with the above sentence, you definitely need a horse editor, ASAP!)

But I still want horses in my book! you may be saying. And that’s totally fine. You don’t have to be a horse expert to write about horses. Just do your research! Better yet, hire a horse guru like me to edit your horse-centric scenes.
I plan to add this to my other editing packages on my website, but my intent is to offer a couple very reasonably-priced packages to authors who want accuracy when it comes anything horse-related in their book.
And when it comes to needing a horse editor, here’s why I’m your gal:
1.) I’ve had horses all my life.
2.) I’ve done tons of research when it comes to horses.
3.) I write freelance articles for horse publications on a weekly basis. I make it my business to know about horses.
I haven’t decided exactly what I’ll charge for these packages quite yet, but I plan to do a “Basic” Horse Expert-Approved Package, which will only entail editing specific horse scenes, as well as a “whole book” package, which will include a basic beta read with comments/ edits on anything horse-related.
As I previously stated, the fees will be very reasonable for both packages (but won’t include anything other than horse-specific editing).
I’m really looking forward to doing doing this! Because if there’s anything I love as much as writing about horses, it’s reading about horses. Plus, I’ll be helping authors add another horse-accurate book into the world for everyone (including horse know-it-alls) to love. 🙂