Sometimes, it’s good to take a break from the routine and change things up. In my case, I recently swapped writing on a daily basis for substitute teaching in an elementary music class for a few weeks. When I’ve mentioned this to several people, some seemed surprised, saying something like, “Oh, I didn’t know you were musical!?!”
I’m probably not musical in the same sense that some are, but I do love music. I love to sing (much to the annoyance of some family members), and I also once fancied myself a piano player. I can still play (it’s sort of like riding a bike), but sadly, I no longer have a piano. We had to get rid of ours when we installed a wood burning stove in its place about 10 years ago. Our house has high ceilings and gets chilly in the winter, so as much as I loved my piano, I opted for staying warm.
When I took this long term sub job in music, one perk was knowing that I’d be able to play again. So naturally, I ordered some sheet music to learn a couple new songs from one of my favorite movie series . . . 🙂
Often times, when I sub in the older grades, I take my laptop so I can work on writing jobs while the kids are working on an assignment. However, it’s different with elementary kids, especially when you’re teaching a music class. There is no down time, except during my lunch and plan time. Because of this, I’ve had to pass on a few writing jobs this month, and I haven’t been able to work on revisions on Romeo and the Scarlett Letter much at all, but it’s all good. Sometimes it’s nice to have a break, or a musical interlude as I’m deciding to call this particular time period.
Many days, I only have fifteen minutes or so to practice on the piano, and some days, I don’t have any time at all. But I’m proud that I can now play one of the songs fairly well. I wanted to record myself playing to share, but of course, every time I attempted to do so on my phone, I was immediately transported back to the days of piano contests and recitals some 30 years ago. I always loved playing at home, but I hated performing in front of others. I used to get so nervous that my hands would sweat, and I was always sure I’d screw up big time. Fortunately, I was able to get a recording with only a couple minor mistakes. (The chimes you hear in the middle are the school bells, btw.) Give it a listen and let me know if you recognize the song!
This coming week will be my last subbing in music, and though it’s been fun getting to know the kids and getting to play the piano again, I’m ready for Christmas break and getting back into the groove of writing again. AND. . . I may have some exciting news to share soon! Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed anyway.
Love it! (Team Jocob!) ? You are multitalented! ??