Need a Horse Editor?

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Yeah, I know. Weird title. You’re probably wondering why anyone would need a horse editor? What I mean is if you’re a writer who isn’t overly versed in the wonderful world of equines, but want to include them in your … Continued

The Truth About Success

posted in: Writing | 0

This past weekend, I was reminded of something that, deep down, I’ve known for some time, but tend to forget nonetheless: The path to success is often a long and winding road. I’d like to illustrate with a story. My … Continued

#Pimpmybio Pitchwars 2017

posted in: Writing | 0

It’s hard to believe this will be my 3rd year to enter Pitchwars. So much has happened since the first time I entered–I’ve completed two more books, I’ve met SO many wonderful writers, and I’ve personally come a long ways … Continued

Casie Bazay